First let's look at trees.
faster growth, and higher yield of trees. Their trees have a 95% survival rate after 20 years! That's incredible. That's where I'm getting my PawPaw trees this fall. The picture to the left shows you the difference after 210 days of one of their trees (left) compared to a regular nursery tree (right). Need I say more?
For economy, I purchase and grow seeds. I actually find it hard to believe people buy tomato plants with tomatoes on the plant for $12 when $12 worth of tomatoes is all they will likely get off that plant. Yes, it's a little more time and attention, but you know what you're getting and how they grown.
I recommend seeds from three different places so far. Baker Seed Co. is active in the Open Pollinated community and only sells heirloom vegetable seeds. They are knowledgeable and nice. The Seed Savers Exchange is a national treasure of maybe thousands of of different open pollinated seeds from the world over. The next place may be a surprise, but the economical decision is a no-brainer. In the spring, my local WalMart offers 20 cent seeds packets. Many of the varieties are from names you would recognize but relabeled. I found several of the 20 cent seeds were heirloom varieties - the same type you might buy for many times the price and I have had good luck with them. However, they are only available in the spring.
Summer veggies are producing but it's already time to start planning what to plant in the fall garden.
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